Stands Scotland where it did?”

6. November 2023 18:30

Brian Taylor

Brian Taylor will examine the stresses and strains affecting the constitution of the United Kingdom, dealing with two key issues. The impact of Brexit and the continuing demand for Scottish independence. He will examine the underlying causes of the pressure for independence, the demands for a second referendum and the varied responses from the UK Government and UK political parties. He will trace the history of Scottish identity, as a formerly independent state and within the UK. Further, he will examine the pros and cons of maintaining the Union. There will be substantial reference to Brexit – which underlies the demand for a further referendum.

Brian is the former Political Editor of BBC Scotland. He joined the BBC in 1985. After a spell co-presenting the political programme Left, Right and Centre, he was appointed Political Correspondent and then Political Editor.
Born in 1955 in Dundee, he is a former pupil of Dundee High School and graduated MA (Honours) in English from the University of St Andrews in 1977.
Brian has been an honorary Professor in the School of Social and Political Science at the University of Edinburgh. He is currently an Honorary Professor in the School of Social and Political Sciences at the University of Glasgow.
He received an Honorary Doctorate of Letters from Edinburgh Napier University in 2008; and from Abertay University in 2010, and an Honorary Doctorate of Laws from Dundee University in 2015.
He is married with two sons. Brian maintains contact with the realities of Scottish life through passionate support of Dundee United Football Club. Other interests include literature, theatre and golf.

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