12. March 2020 19:00
Prof. Rüdiger Görner
With Brexit now ‘being done’ by trade and other negotiators after its formal implementation at governmental level on 31st January 2020 the question arises where all this wrangling, wheeling & dealing since June 2016 has left us – in Britain and within the European Union. A strong sense of Britain having betrayed the meaning of European Integration prevails. The notorious phrase of ‘Albion’ acting once again as ‘il perfido’ has returned. In this lecture, Professor Rüdiger Görner, author of numerous articles and books on this subject (for instance Brexismus oder: Verortungsversuche im Dazwischen, Heidelberg 2018, and Europa wagen! Aufzeichnungen, Interventionen und Bekenntnisse. Baden-Baden 2020) will discuss these issues with reference to some historical developments that inform this present calamitous situation.
Rüdiger Görner is Centenary Professor of German with Comparative Literature and Culture at Queen Mary University of London and Founding Director of the Centre for Anglo-German Cultural Relations. He is Member of the Deutsche Akademie für Sprache und Dichtung and was awarded the Deutsche Sprachpreis der Henning Kaufmann-Stiftung in 2012 and the Reimar Lüst Prize of the Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung (2016) for his life-time achievements.
12. March 2020 19:00
Prof. Rüdiger Görner
Internationales Begegnungszentrum der Wissenschaft München e.V.
Amalienstraße 38
80799 München
With Brexit now ‘being done’ by trade and other negotiators after its formal implementation at governmental level on 31st January 2020 the question arises where all this wrangling, wheeling & dealing since June 2016 has left us – in Britain and within the European Union. A strong sense of Britain having betrayed the meaning of European Integration prevails. The notorious phrase of ‘Albion’ acting once again as ‘il perfido’ has returned. In this lecture, Professor Rüdiger Görner, author of numerous articles and books on this subject (for instance Brexismus oder: Verortungsversuche im Dazwischen, Heidelberg 2018, and Europa wagen! Aufzeichnungen, Interventionen und Bekenntnisse. Baden-Baden 2020) will discuss these issues with reference to some historical developments that inform this present calamitous situation.
Rüdiger Görner is Centenary Professor of German with Comparative Literature and Culture at Queen Mary University of London and Founding Director of the Centre for Anglo-German Cultural Relations. He is Member of the Deutsche Akademie für Sprache und Dichtung and was awarded the Deutsche Sprachpreis der Henning Kaufmann-Stiftung in 2012 and the Reimar Lüst Prize of the Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung (2016) for his life-time achievements.