Jane Austen: The Birth of a Novelist
Harry Potter and Oxford – A Mirror to British Culture
Levelling Up – Reflections from the North of England
Free Media and Democracy: interdependent or incompatible?
Artificial Intelligence: Past, Present, Pitfalls & Possibilities
Football unites.
The National Health Service – Past, Present and Future
The “Deutsch-Britische Gesellschaft Ruhr e.V.” was founded on June 4th, 2009 and is deeply rooted in the tradition of the “Deutsch-Englische Gesellschaft”, which has encouraged the process of reconciliation and understanding between British and German citizens in the Ruhr area since the end of World War II. Numerous encounters between British guests and German hosts have turned former enemies into friends. Our association is indebted to this tradition and will uphold it.
At the same time the “Deutsch-Britische Gesellschaft Ruhr e.V.” will be a forum for the dialogue between citizens in the Ruhr area and the global community which is based on the English language. If you are interested in communicating in the English language, listening to English lectures or giving a lecture yourself or if you want to obtain information on similar activities in the Ruhr area, you are kindly invited to join our association.