Here you can find a selection of interesting articles and reports dealing with the subject “Brexit”.
English without the English, Overseas, Journal of the Royal Overseas League, London, No. 718, December 2017, p. 24-26 |
Brexit – Exit, Kulturpolitische Mitteilungen Nr. 159, Heft IV/2017, S. 24-25 |
Brexit and its impact on charitable causes, Charities Aid Foundation, Dezember 2017 |
Making the most of the Brexit deal, Hertie School, 18.12.2017 |
The Brexit Vote and Inflation, Centre for Economic Performance/LSE, November 2017 |
Ireland on the Rocky Road to BREXIT, Jacques Delors Institute, 30.11.17 |
Understanding the “BREXIT Divorce Bill”, Jacques Delors Institute, 21.11.17 |
Post-Brexit law enforcement cooperation, The UK in a Changing Europe, 17.11.17 |
War metaphors have no place in the Brexit debate, The UK in a Changing Europe, 14.11.17 |
Exit, voice or loyalty? Young people on Europe and Democracy, Studie, Institute of Public Affairs, Bertelsmann Stiftung, 08.11.17 |
Brexit and the Environment, NABU, 26.10.2017 |
Brexit: implications for digital citizens and consumers, Report, Carnegie UK Trust, September 2017 |
Brexit factsheets: 10 essential topics, The UK in a Changing Europe, September 2017 |
The Area of Freedom, Security and Justice: Brexit does not mean Brexit, Policy Paper, Jacques Delors Institut Berlin, 13.09.17 |
Time for Change – A New Vision for the British Economy, Interim Report, IPPR Commission on Economic Justice, September 2017 |
Draft EU position papers on Article 50 negotiations, European Commission, 29.05.2017 |
Passporting and equivalence: Brexit’s impact on the City of London, The UK in a Changing Europe, May 2017 |
European Defence in View of Brexit, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, April 2017 |